Wednesday, November 19, 2008

hari yg malang?hehe ;)

yesterday was a bit malang la for me..i fasted after a long day at work..i decided to balik & kemas my bilik yg dah mcm hutan gunung tebu then i went back..skali smpai2 rumah,xde letrik,lagi..actually since the day before dah xde letrik sbb as lupe bayar bil letrik..instead die terbayar bil air since dah 6pm camtu..n it was a gloomy day..smyg asar n keluar from umah..i planned earlier to kemas my bilik & buka puasa masak cincai2 je kat rumah & mlm join najmah futsal..but since dah jadi camtu,had to makan luar jgk,after my prayers & bersiap2 with my gym outfit,i went out at about 6.40pm straight to nariza..rase nak mkn i ordered udang masak petai pedas+telur dadar+nasi drinks as usual..bdk amek order tu tanye 2-3 kali to confirm..last2 die suruh org lain plak tanye..n ended up die letak jgk satu ais kosong at my table..pelik sgt ke kalau xnak minum?hehe..just don't feel like drinking yet..i asked for sup kosong & suruh diorg angkat balik air tu..since i was having a sore throat pun kalau nak minum ais & mmg xnak minum pun sebenarnye..dgn muke yg bingung&pelik,budak tu pun angkat je the air n berlalu pergi..hehe

dah makan cepat2..i went off to gym..terpikir jgk nak singgah smyg at masjid sunway..tapi since awal lagi i figured out sempat je smyg kat terus je la..n biasenye i'll ikut jalan jauh..tapi yesterday mcm ikut je la jalan summit biase tu..skali masuk je roundabout,jem gile..traffic was bad..i was stuck in the traffic for 45 minutes..xleh nak gerak gi mane2..xtau la ape jadi kat depan tu smpai kerete x i decided not to go to summit..masuk ikut jalan sunway sp tu & patah balik rumah..dahla terlepas waktu :( how i wished i'd stick to my instinct to smyg dulu tadi..hmm..n so,i went back..nak balik rumah,gelap..takut plak nak dok ingat nak lepak masjid or surau je la smpai najmah balik n nak gi futsal..singgah beli ice cream(tibe2 je,hehe)..pastu i parked my car..n decided to go back n check kot2 letrik dah ade..

smpai2 rumah je..blom ade lagi letrik :( i opened the door wide so that nmpk the cahaya from outside..smyg isyak & magrib at the living room & waited for najmah to come home..n nak gerak awal to futsal..stayed at the living room je sbb all the other rooms were gelap..i'm a bit penakut of the dark,hehe..n then najmah came back..skali duduk2 tu..najmah ckp,futsal cancelled plak..malangnye la..n mcmane ntah,suddenly najmah rase nak usik2 the fuse box n guess what??rupenye kene reset the fuse box bile letrik dah sambung..SIOT btol la..i would have done that petang tadi lagi if i knew..geramnye la rase..but what to do,bende dah jadi..felt silly la for not even terpikir nak buat pengajarannye..kalau letrik terputus..please check fuse box dulu before giving up..heheh

so,since futsal pun x jadi..& letrik pun dah ade..berbalik la kpd plan tadi utk mengemas bilik..baju byk gile..mane ntah dtg..n there was 2 plastic bags full of sampah from my room..ape saje la yg disimpan & also my kipas yg dah rosak n perlu dibuang..have to let go of the keeping-unwanted-stuff habit my bilik was kemas already..dah x macam hutan..lega sgt..then,watched tv with najmah & slept quite early..the day ended well la..thank God..& this morning woke up,siap2,had breakfast & now at work..but not doing any work yet,hehe..ok,till then..hoping for a nice day today & onwards..daa~

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